The Eyes of Storms


Hurricane Sandy is a powerful reminder of both our vulnerability and resilience. This post is a poem that straddles that line. Hope those affected by this and disasters like it, quickly find a new normal, blessed by the gift of others’ love and light.

The Eyes of Storms
Our peace yields quickly to the might
Of whipping wind that mocks the night.
The pin oak heaves a desperate sound
Betrayed for good, by fickle ground.

Blue light domes erupt like mortars
In their wake leave darkened quarters.
The gusts will carve the path they seek
With vicious howls, torment the meek.

When Heaven’s simple exhale ceases
Our great resolve picks up the pieces.
And for a time, our world will norm
Between the blinking eyes of storms.

3 thoughts on “The Eyes of Storms

    • Thank you Sander for your comment, well-wishes and acknowledgement. We are among the lucky, more inconvenienced than stricken. Great to see the best in people helping one another, and anguishing to witness the reverse.

  1. Bill –
    Very powerful poem. Being without power for several days seems like a small price to pay compared to the many who suffered significant losses. My prayers go out to all of those who continue their struggle to return to the all illusive normalcy.


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